" After You "
Have you ever been driving on the freeway and all of a sudden someone goes speeding past, cuts you off and doesn't use their blinkers just to get ahead of you? There are so many ways we can react to that...some might be angry, which will cause some aggressiveness inside, some might want revenge and speed up to "get even".....I have a way that makes driving on the freeway actually peaceful! Since we NEVER will know the reason someone drives crazy like that, I always imagine that maybe they just got some bad news and have to get home quickly....someone is sick or in the hospital or worst of all has died......so I say ..." After you" ...and gesture my hands in allowing them to come into my lane...it feels good in my heart and leaves no room for ugly words or thoughts to creep in.....sometimes I even take it a step further and pray that they get there safely and all will be good.
I choose to keep an " after you " attitude and only allow room for sweet thoughts and words for my fellow drivers........
What about you?.......Try saying " After You"...... It feels really good
..Pleasant words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 (KJV)
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If you need someone to talk to, Jesus is always listening.
Blog submitted by Sandy Bjorklund, G2 Mentor