Friday, June 29, 2012

What does it take to be "content"?

Was money the first thing that popped into your head?  wrong answer...was doing your own thing?....wrong about being famous?...wrong answer!  At least wrong when it comes to true contentment.

How about, knowing that you are doing the right thing when no one is patting you on the back...or being "famous" in your family because they just love you and appreciate you for who you are....or doing things for others even when it sometimes seems like you really would rather be off and running.  All things to think about.

Money comes and goes in life, and some people are only around when you have it and when you are "broke" those friends have disappeared.  Doing your own thing can be great for a season, and then it gets real lonely.  Being famous, well it doesn't take too much to figure out that one day the "famous" are up there and next time you think about them they aren't so famous anymore.

So what does it mean to be content?  Well you know we always get the right answer from one source, the bible.  Here is something to think about today. 

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Hebrews 13:5  (NIV)

 If you would like prayer or to ask a question, visit our website  If you want someone to talk to, God is always listenting.

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