Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A thought for today

This is not my usual upbeat, moving forward type of blog today.  My heart is deeply sadden by the events of yesterday.  For some reason the senseless death of a young girl, a senior gentleman and a young boy, just overtook my heart with grief. 

We are living in a day an age that our hearts need to be tender towards one another and be prepared to pray and intercede daily for our loved ones.  Not knowing these people personally does not make the tragedy easier. 

I thought of the young 26 year old young man, going to his job faithfully and all of a sudden facing death in a horrific way.  I think of my grandsons who are close to that age and how they faithfully go to work every day, of the young woman in in her 20's for whatever the reason, dead.  The senior gentleman who had served this country and had his own business where he was reportedly a kind man good to his employees, dead.  Why, I ask myself, but then I also have to search my heart and say, don't take anyone for granted.  Life is too short and for some much shorter than one can imagine. 
Examining my own heart, the fact that this has made me so sad, helps me personally know that I have to pray more fervently, not that one may not die, but that those I love and have contact with daily are aware of their eternal destiny. 

Today I encourage each of you to stop, pray for those around you, and walk your faith out in such a way that you are there for those who are sad, those who are going through difficult times, those who may not know that we all will live eternally, but the question is where.  Let's be stronger and more courageous and take our walk with the Lord to another level.  Jesus is the only way, He is the truth and the life.  Without hope, life is so very sad.

Rejoice in the fact that you know the Lord and that you are assured of your eternal destiny and share this Good News with kindness, goodness and mercy.  Live so others will truly see there is a difference between living for ourselves and living for the Lord.

May you be blessed and may today be a day where you are someones divine appointment.  Live to the fullest and live for Jesus.

You are so loved... kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.  Ephesians 4:32
We are here for you, to pray for you and encourage you.  If you have a need or a question you can contact us through our website.  If you need soeone to talk to you, Jesus is always listenting.

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