Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fearless not Faithless

Now is the time to stand up and move forward with the call that is on your life.  If you could figure it all out, it wouldn't take any faith at all to accomplish it.

When you are facing the biggest breakthrough in your life is when the greatest fear will strike you.  That is a sure indication that the Lord is in it.  God wants you to succeed in everything you do, but especially in the things that He calls you to do.  You have been equipped since birth for this time.  Your destiny in Christ is one that can only be filled by you. 

It's called walking on water.  Now I am the first to admit that is not easy, not a cake walk for sure.  But the excitement of taking that step of faith and seeing the Lord catch you even if you think you are falling and picking you up and whispering, "come on I am here by your side, follow me and you will see how great and wonderful my plans are for you".

If you have walked on the road that had a few left turns along the way and you chose to take one or two, just know that the Lord has never loved you more and will never love you less based on what you do.  His desire is that you walk in the fullest and the freest way possible and that is walking with Him. 

Be the encourager for those you know who are on that left turn right now, and truly want to come back but may feel that they have disappointed the Lord.  Encourage them, let them know the Lord truly loves them and is not mad at them.    Your strength right now is an encouragement to those who are at a weaker point.

Those who sit and wait for the waters to be stirred and for someone, not the Lord, to tell them the easy way, they will still be sitting at the end of their road and never accomplish the great things that the Lord had for them to do.

This is the generation that will make a difference.  Such a time as this is the greatest time of all, it is your time.

G2 is here to encourage you and pray for you, but you have to be the one to make the decision to trust the Lord, stop trying to figure everything out, and walk on the water.

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding..In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.  Proverbs 3:4-5  (amp)

G2 is here to pray for you and encourage you, when you need someone to talk to the Lord is always listening.

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